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Work Study student walking outside with bookbag

Work Study Program


With VHCC’s Federal Work-Study program, you can earn money, enhance your employment skills, and gain valuable work experience!

为符合收入条件的VHCC学生提供广泛的勤工俭学机会. Most jobs are on VHCC’s campus, 但是在校外也有一些社区服务的机会.

的好处 Work Study Program:

  • 灵活性:勤工俭学的学生与他们的导师一起确定他们的每周时间表, and work hours are scheduled around your classes.
  • Location: Most work-study jobs are located right on campus!
  • 影响:许多学生找到与他们的学术课程或职业兴趣相关的勤工俭学工作, 在申请相关领域的工作时,是什么让他们更有优势呢. 有些学生利用勤工俭学的工作为社区服务.

为了让你有资格参加联邦勤工俭学计划, 你必须是在秋季和春季学期注册了至少6个符合经济援助条件的学分的在校生(一学年总共12个学分)。. 联邦勤工俭学的资格取决于你的经济需要, based on your FAFSA application, 并达到令人满意的学业进展标准(SAP).

Additionally, you must do all of the following:

  • Submit the FAFSA for the aid year in which you will be attending
  • 提交学生中心myVHCC待办事项清单上列出的所有所需文件
  • Qualify for the Federal Pell Grant
  • Demonstrate remaining financial need
  • Be enrolled in at least 6 or more financial aid eligible credits
  • Meet VHCC’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).

符合联邦勤工俭学计划资格的学生在获得奖励后将在学生中心收到一条消息. 该消息将包含到联邦勤工俭学申请的链接. 所有的经济援助要求必须在奖学金可以放在学生的账户之前完成.


勤工俭学实习由财政援助办公室批准,先到先到, 根据校园经济援助勤工俭学顾问收到完整的就业包的时间,先得先得.

秋季学期的大部分实习在7月、8月和9月初完成. New work-study awards for the Spring semester are made in January. 夏季课程的资助是基于学生是否有资格获得即将到来的财政援助年度.

The Federal Work-Study hiring process is highlighted 在这里.

  • 你的新联邦勤工俭学(FWS)主管将与你联系,制定你的工作时间表, and discuss when and w在这里 to report for work.
  • 你将被要求工作一整个学期或学期,最好是一整年.
  • The amount of your work-study award, your hourly rate of pay, 一个学期剩下的周数决定了你的FWS安置的长度和你每周工作的小时数.
  • 所有工作必须在VHCC场所或由校园财政援助办公室书面指定的官方校外地点进行.
  • Work hours cannot conflict with your classes.
  • You must clock out for personal time, to eat, or take a break.
  • You may not work from home or in any other location.


  • Establish a work schedule and always be on time.
  • If you have to be absent, contact your supervisor directly.
  • Dress appropriately.
  • You are representing VHCC. Use appropriate behavior and language.
  • 如果你在规定时间内完成了主管指定的任务, you may use the remaining time to study or do homework.
  • 使用学院的设备和用品只用于学院的正式业务.
  • Enter your work hours accurately and on time.

FWS jobs are normally terminated at the end of each academic year, 然而, 学生员工如欲离职,必须办理以下手续:离职前两周, 与财务援助办公室和你的主管谈谈你想停止工作的打算. Before quitting your job, 你必须提交一个完整的释放表与你的导师的签名到经济援助办公室. 这是绝对必要的,因为工作任务是你整个经济援助计划的一部分.

如果你被解雇,你的主管必须向你说明解雇的原因. The 金融援助 Officer must be informed, 以书面形式, of the intention and reasons for releasing the work-study student. 释放表必须由主管填写并返回到财政援助办公室.

Supervisors will be required to evaluate your performance. The evaluation is kept on file for future reference.

  • 学生的工作是一个就业机会,它将提供宝贵的工作经验. 有时这份工作与学生的专业直接相关, 有时不, 但在所有情况下, it is employment which will give experience in a work situation. 在离开VHCC后寻找工作时,主管是一个潜在的参考. 


  • 你必须通知财政援助办公室的任何名称或地址的变化. 如果没有新的社会保障卡复印件,就不能正式更改姓名. 


  • 在工作中合理利用时间,避免社交是很重要的. This includes social networking such as 脸谱网, 推特, Instagram, personal email and other personal usage of the computer. Misuse will be reason for immediate job dismissal. If your supervisor doesn’t have you working on anything, you are expected to be studying or completing course work. 


  • Report to work on time and with regularity. 如果你因为生病或任何“正当理由”缺席, 你必须在工作日尽早亲自给主管打电话. 如果因其他原因缺席,应请求允许,而不是期望. 


  • 学生雇员必须以专业的方式对学院和学生的记录保密,以及对学生因工作而获得的信息保密. 违反保密规定和任何不诚实行为将被立即开除出联邦工作学习计划. 


  •  联邦勤工俭学学生被要求穿着整洁得体,符合他们所在部门的要求. 每个学生应与他们的直接主管核实,以确定部门的着装要求.

  1. Sign into VCCS HR: Human Resources System
  2. Navigate to Self Service>Time Reporting>Report Time>Timesheet
  3. Timesheet will appear---go to View By and select “Time Period”
  4. Enter your time “In,” “Lunch,” “In” and “Out”
  5. Enter Time Reporting Code—“REG”
  6. Select “Submit”, then click “OK” to view your timesheet

如果你没有在周四下午5点之前提交你的时间或者你的时间表上有错误, your paycheck may be delayed by two weeks at minimum.


  • 如果连续工作超过六个半小时,必须休息30分钟
  • You cannot work more than eight hours per day

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